Thankful for coffee

Today I am going to pay a special “white girl” tribute to Starbucks. With college comes early mornings and late nights. Without my coffee in the mornings I would not be able to pay attention in my classes. Although these bottled coffees below are not from a fresh brew, they are my favorite and have stolen a lot of money from my account. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday after my 8a.m. I make a stop by Baztech and grab one of these on my way to my next class. Thank you Baztech for serving Starbucks coffee at our convenience.  Hopefully next semester ill get enough sleep and save some money.

Drugs in college

Lets face it, drugs are everywhere. Truth is if you know where to find them they can available to you. This does not go away in college. I have personally heard more stories about drugs in college than I have anywhere else. Parents do not need to think that their children will not ever be exposed to these drugs, because they probably will. However, this does not mean that you can’t prepare them for what is ahead. It is very important to teach about the terrible things associated with drugs. As a student, I was well educated on this subject, and I knew not to get involved, because of the dangers that come along with the “high”. Drugs are bad and can be very harmful, educate your kids before it is too late.

Snapchat communication

Snapchat is a relatively new form of communication. It is a mobile phone app that is available in android and apple app stores. Snapchat used to be basic picture and video messaging, but now has turned into a form of entertainment. Snapchat now offers filters , as seen below, that add to the experience of the app. Communication has come a long way. Once we just talked to each other now we can send filtered and funny pictures and videos to each other in a matter of seconds. Below is my poor friend Lauren, who was my ginnea pig for this post.

Chaco Culture

Lets face it, most people love Chacos! They are comfortable and offer a good amount of foot support. I know that I love mine. However I tend to cheat the system when it comes to Chacos and other designer footwear. I have an small foot, so I can wear the kids size shoes. This is awesome, because then I only pay fifty dollars. A normal pair of Chacos cost around one-hundred and ten dollars. An awesome thing about this company is that they are generous when it comes to replacing defaulted shoes. If your shoes mess up,they will send you a completely new pair. For summer, these are my shoes of choice!

Bonuses of living on a college campus

College campuses offer many perks. Our campus here at Arkansas Tech University, offers a health care program. Each semester you have a free amount of visits you use at the health center. The staff their are friendly and work hard to help make students better. Besides that they also offer counseling, this is helpful to students who could use the extra help. College is a stressful time and can cause us all to go a little crazy. Other than that I see these flyers all around campus to help raise awareness for programs the health center puts on. It is awesome to be apart of a campus that truly cares.

Why public speaking is important

Public speaking is a general education class that everyone is required to take. In this class you will learn how to be a good public speaker and how to formally plan out your speech. This class allows you to give three speeches: a persuasive speech, a informative speech, and a special occasion speech. At first I was nervous about having to address the whole class,but then I realized that this is a huge part of life. As humans and students, we need to be able to communicate with the people around us. Without proper training this can sometimes be difficult. I am very thankful for my public speaking class and how it has helped me.

Things you need for college

This printer below has saved me tons of hassle. It only cost me around $50, but the time I have saved fighting over a public printer has been worth it. College resources are awesome, do not get me wrong, but these resources are sometimes hard to get a hold of. So when in doubt, buy a personal printer. I promise the time you will save will be worth the money you spent. Other things you should buy for college include lots of paper, pens, sticky notes, and highlighters. These are just typical school supplies, but until this year  I never valued them as much as I do now.

How to take good notes?

Lets face it, who likes to take notes in class. For a college kid, it is hard enough to get out of bed and even make it to class. However, the notes you take can have a huge impact on your grade in the class. For college it is important to have a good understanding on how to take good notes. What to write down or what not to write down, is the real question we all have. To start off, make sure you write down the key notes to what you are learning. If the professor repeats something multiple times, that means it is important. Usually a repetitive idea will be covered on your next exam.

Celebrating Birthdays in our society.

We typically take birthdays pretty seriously in our society. For us, a birthday is a symbol of making it another year. Often we make birthdays into a big celebration. Below is a photo of my friend Sarah’s door that Lauren and I decorated for her special day. We had the whole day planned out full of surprises to make her day special. As we get older, we do not go as all out as we did when we were kids. A birthday party is an important event to have for kids as they grow older. Many of my best memories happened on my birthday, while celebrating with my friends and family. A birthday is the perfect excuse to get together with loved ones.

Controversy of tattoos

Tattoos? You either love them or you hate them, or at least that is how it seems. Based on society today, tattoos are more excepted than in the time of our grandparents. If I lived when my grandparents did, I would have been shunned. Different religions have different feelings toward having piercings and tattoos. For me it is a way to express myself. I know that when I am older I wont care what I look like so why not enjoy them now before they get wrinkly. Different businesses also feel different toward showing tattoos. To be more professional, a lot of jobs ask for them to be covered up. I see no problem with this. If you get the tattoo, make sure you know the controversy and how to take care of it.